SC Oral Health Coalition Membership Form

South Carolina’s response to the silent epidemic of dental disease was to assemble a group of interested and committed stakeholders to guide the process of increasing recognition of oral health issues among policy makers and the public. The South Carolina Oral Health Coalition (SCOHC) was formed in 2003.

Membership pledges:

  • Coalition members are expected to consistently attend quarterly or meetings lasting no more than 2
  • Coalition members are expected to actively participate in workgroups in accordance with the priorities established by the South Carolina Oral Health Coalition and directly related to the State Oral Health Plan.
  • Coalition members are expected to participate and support activities that are related to the established priorities that promote oral health.

Statement of agreement: As a member of the South Carolina Oral Health Coalition, I agree to contribute my time, energy, and available resources to achieving the Coalition’s goals. I understand and support the Coalition’s mission and agree to adhere to the Coalition’s organizational guidelines.

I am interested in being a committed member of th SCOHC

My are of interest is (check all that apply)

Please select a category

What we do

The Connecting Smiles initiative aims to improve oral health of the citizens of South Carolina by strengthening the linkage between individuals, community-based programs and medical and dental providers.

Upcoming Events

Contact Info

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control

2100 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201
